
2021-10-22 18:02    来源:留学在线       阅读量:92



古典吉他演奏Master of Music, Performance-Classical Guitar

音乐作曲Master of Music, Composition

早期音乐演奏Master of Arts, Early Music Performance

爵士乐研究Master of Music, Jazz Studies

键盘演奏Master of Music, Performance-Keyboard Collaborative Arts

键盘研究Master of Music, Keyboard Studies

音乐教育学M.A.T., Joint program with USC Rossier School of Education.

乐器演奏Master of Music, Performance-Organ

弦乐演奏Master of Music, Performance-Strings

吉他演奏Master of Music, Performance-Studio Guitar

声乐艺术演奏Master of Music, Performance-Vocal Arts

打击乐器演奏Master of Music, Performance-Wind & Percussion Instruments

音乐史Doctor of Philosophy, Historical Musicology

合唱和圣乐Choral and Sacred Music

古典吉他Classical Guitar


早期音乐表演Early Music Performance

爵士乐研究Jazz Studies

键盘研究Keyboard Collaborative ArtsKeyboard Studies

音乐教育Music Education

乐器研究Organ Studies


爵士吉他Studio/Jazz Guitar

声乐Vocal Arts

打击乐器Winds and Percussion




GPA : 3.0以上

语言:TOEFL 90/ IELTS 6.5




1. The pre-screening recording must submit five or more selections of contrasting styles. These selections should be pieces from the standard solo

voice literature.

2. Applicants are encouraged to prepare at least one of these selections in a foreign language and all selections must be memorized. The same selections

may be performed on the recording as for the live audition.



1. A Prelude and Fugue by J. S. Bach from the Well-Tempered Clavier

2. A complete sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, or Beethoven, excluding Beethoven opus 49 & 79

3. A complete work of a 19th-century composer

4. One piece or single movement by a contemporary composer

5. etude of virtuosity at the level of those by Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Debussy, Bartok, Stravinsky or Ligeti



Three selections representing various stylistic periods of music. These selections should be full-length pieces from the standard solo literature, although excerpts from ensemble literature may also be included. If any of the selections are taken from a multi-movement sonata or concerto, applicants need only prepare one movement of the piece.

Note: Piano accompaniment is NOT required.


初试:Two selections, in contrasting styles, from the standard solo repertoire.



The submitted video recording for pre-screening must contain at least 20 minutes of music, which includes a movement of a Bach suite, partita, or sonata; plus one work from the 19th century(a movement of concerto, sonata, or concert piece are acceptable) and one work from the 20thcentury(a movement of concerto, sonata, or concert piece are acceptable). All 20 minutes of music must have been recorded within the last year.



1. Two contrasting movements from any Bach solo suite originally composed for cello or from a Bach sonata or partita originally composed for violin

2. A complete sonata or other duo work for viola and piano

3. A complete 20th century concerto (with applicable cadenzas) from the standard repertoire



1. From J.S. Bach-Unaccompanied Sonatas and


a.Two major movements and applicable doubles from the b minor Partita OR

b.The CHACONNE from the d minor Partita Or

c.Three consecutive movements from the E major Partita OR

d.Any fuga and other movement from any of the three sonatas OR

e.Three consecutive movements from the d minor Partita

2. Two major contrasting movements from the sonata or duo repertoire with piano

3. One complete major concerto work (with applicable cadenzas)

4. One brilliant concert piece demonstrating virtuosity. A Paganini Caprice, or one unaccompanied Ysaye Solo Sonata, or one work by Ernst, can be substituted –must be a commercially published work (a movement from a multi-movement work does not count as a work)

5. One commercially published work written after 1980 (a movement from a multi-movement work does not count as a work)



1. One piece of applicant’s choice (must be a commercially published work)

2. Two contrasting movements of an unaccompanied Bach suite

3. One complete concerto from the standard cello repertoire

4. A complete sonata or other duo work for cello and piano

5. A commercially published work written after 1970



