
2024-09-24 16:00    来源:留学在线       阅读量:0

overview 课程概述

Architecture refers to the integration of art and technology related to the design and construction of buildings, involving architectural art and architectural technology, as well as architectural art as applied art, thus including the practical, functional and artistic and aesthetic aspects.


The MArch program at MIT is a laboratory in which we speculate on diverse forms of agency for future architectures. Future is not a singular construct. The most useful contemporary conception of ‘future’ may be as a series of increasingly dire prospects marching towards us, all collateral outcomes of the naïve faith of previous eras in unfettered progress. These include major migrations induced by climate change and patterns of global economy, extreme weather, resource depletion, uneven and unjust distribution of economic means, crumbling infrastructure, pollution…and so many other forms of alienation.


preparation: 准备

A Bachelor's degree with high academic standing from a recognized institution or, in the judgment of the department, the equivalent of this degree.由认可院校颁授的具有较高学术地位的学士学位,或经本署评审,与该学位等同的学士学位。One semester of satisfactory study in college-level mathematics (such as, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus).一个学期的大学数学学习(如代数、几何、三角、微积分预科、微积分)。One semester of satisfactory study in college-level natural sciences (such as, physics, biology, chemistry).一个学期的大学水平的自然科学(如,物理,生物,化学)的令人满意的学习。Two semesters of satisfactory study in college-level humanities and/or social sciences.两个学期的大学水平的人文和/或社会科学令人满意的学习。

Core courses: 核心课程

Geometric Disciplines and Architectural Skills I

Materials and Fabrication for Architecture

Three Building Technology subjects

Precedents in Critical Practice

Professional Practice

Architecture from 1750 to the Present

Preparation for MArch Thesis

Graduate Design Thesis









Admissions 要求

1.Applicants seeking admission to the MArch program compete each year for the approximately 30 places available.申请建筑学硕士的学生每年都要竞争大约30个名额。

Students entering without any previous formal study of architecture will normally take 3-1/2 years to complete the MArch degree program.没有正式学习过建筑学的学生通常需要3-1/2年的时间来完成建筑学的学位课程。Those applicants who have taken architectural design at accredited architecture schools may be given some credit and/or advanced standing for their previous academic work. Their point of entry into the design sequence is determined by the admissions committee and if approved, will be admitted with advanced entry to complete the program in 2-1/2 years of study.申请人如曾在认可建筑学院修读建筑设计课程,可获一些学分及/或更佳成绩。他们进入设计序列的起点是由招生委员会决定的,如果获得批准,他们将在两年半的学习时间内以提前进入的方式完成该项目。

2.Three letters of recommendation. Letters from instructors are preferred unless you have been working for several years, in which case supervisors may be included. The application can be submitted with fewer than three letters, but be sure to remind your instructors to complete their letters. 三封推荐信。除非你已经工作了几年,否则最好是导师的来信,在这种情况下也可以包括导师。申请可以少于三封信件,但请务必提醒您的导师完成他们的信。

3.Transcripts for all relevant degrees, official or unofficial, must be uploaded to the application system. PDFs must be clearly readable and oriented correctly on the screen. Only those applicants who are accepted for admission will be required to send a hard copy of an official, sealed transcript (with English translation) from each school attended. 所有相关学位的成绩单,无论是正式的还是非官方的,都必须上传到申请系统。pdf文件必须清晰可读,并在屏幕上正确定位。只有那些被录取的申请者,才会被要求从所就读的每一所学校寄送一份加盖公章的正式成绩单(附英文翻译件)的硬拷贝。

4.IELTS or TOEFL Score.IELTS minimum score required for MArch candidates is 7 and the minimum TOEFL score is 100, the IELTS score is preferred.雅思或托福成绩。雅思最低分数要求候选人是7和最低托福分数是100,雅思成绩者优先。

5.GRE:Test scores must be no more than five years old. GRE考试:考试成绩必须不超过5年。

6.curriculum and eassy :curriculum Vitae, uploaded to the system.An Essay of one or two pages must be uploaded to the application system. Indicate why you are applying, and describe your qualifications for the degree.个人简历上传至系统,一到两页的论文必须上传到申请系统。说明你申请的原因,并描述你的资格。

7.Accreditation:In the United States, most state registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequisite for licensure. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), which is the sole agency authorized to accredit U.S. 认证:在美国,大多数州的注册委员会要求获得认证专业学位课程的学位作为获得许可的先决条件。美国国家建筑认证委员会(NAAB)是美国唯一的建筑认证机构

Portfolio 作品集

A digital portfolio is required of all MArch applicants, including those who do not have a previous architecture degree or background. The portfolio file should be exported as PDF for screen viewing. The file should contain no more than 30 pages with a file size not larger than 15MB. Two-page spreads are allowed, but each spread counts as one of the 30 pages.


The portfolio should include evidence of recent creative work, whether personal, academic or professional. Choose what you care about, what you think is representative of your best work, and what is expressive of you. Work done collaboratively should be identified as such and the applicant's role in the project defined. Name, address and program to which you are applying should also be included. We expect the portfolio to be the applicant's own work. Applicants whose programs require portfolios will upload a 30-page maximum)。


Application Fee : $75 USD.

Tuition: $49,580 in 2017-2018 and the academic year half-stipend rate is $12,721.

Deadline :December 31.





