
2022-05-11 15:56    来源:留学在线       阅读量:39

亚利桑那大学(The University of Arizona),简称UA,世界知名高等学府,美国最负盛名的公立研究型大学之一,始cuang于1885年,坐落在亚利桑那州第二大城市图森市。该校的天文、地质、地理、土建等学科有着雄厚的科研实力,而人类学、社会学、哲学、法学、工程学、生命科学在美国也名列前茅,被誉为“公立常青藤”大学之一,同时也是北美顶 尖研究型大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的62所成员校之一。位于中部偏北,1月平均气温是-3℃,7月平均气温是19℃。位于南中部斯1月平均气温11℃,7月平均气温33℃。

项目名称:Mechanical Engineering (MS)

项目链接: https://grad.arizona.edu/catalog/programinfo/MEEMS


l Research in mechanical engineering includes the areas of fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, dynamic/computational mechanics, control systems and thermosciences. Close relation with the Applied Mathematics Program is maintained.

l Masters's students may choose a thesis, master’s report option, or non‑thesis/coursework only option:

l Master's Thesis Option - The thesis option consists of 26 units of coursework, plus 6 units of Thesis (AME 910). Students who choose the thesis option must complete a thesis and pass a final oral examination. The examination lasts from one to two hours and includes a defense of the research results.

l Master’s Report Option - The report option consists of 29 units of coursework, plus 3 units of Master's report (AME 909). No other independent study units are allowed for the report option. Students who choose the report option must complete a report and pass a final oral examination. This examination consists of a 30-minute presentation by the student followed by 15 minutes of questioning.

l Non‑Thesis/Coursework Only Option - This option is not available to students who receive financial support from the University in the form of teaching or research assistantships or fellowships. The non‑thesis option consists of 32 units of coursework following the general requirements of the M.S. degree program. A maximum of 3 units of Independent Study (AME 599) or 3 units of research (AME 900) may be included in the study program. A student who wishes to enroll in independent study must make arrangements for supervision by a faculty member in the Department and submit the independent study proposal form to the Graduate Administrative Associate. The non‑thesis option does not require a final oral examination.


Research in mechanical engineering includes the areas of fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, dynamic/computational mechanics, control systems and thermosciences. Close relation with the Applied Mathematics Program is maintained.



a. 申请截止日期:

Fall semester application deadline: January 1

Spring semester application deadline: June 1

b. 英语语言要求:TOEFL :79+

IELTS : 7 with no subject area falling below 6

c. GPA要求:3.25+

d. GRE要求:required

e 其他材料要求:

l Official transcript, ensuring if you are from India that it includes official sum of total marks and marks obtained for each semester

l 3 letters of recommendation

l Statement of purpose


